2018 has certainly been a significant year for employers. Recruitment and retention have remained at the forefront but a renewed focus on gender pay and an evolving political landscape has given both a new urgency.
As this year draws to a close, we’ve looked at five of the top insights readers wanted to know about this year:
Attracting and Retaining Women Leaders
Mandatory gender pay gap reporting made headlines this year as organisations across the country with over 250 employees reported on their differences. With the second round of reports looming, “forward thinking employers are already taking the opportunity to evaluate their results and take action” wrote Stephanie Kowalewicz as we shared our top five ways to improve gender equality in the workplace.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mental health has been on the HR agenda for a long time but this year employers have upgraded it from a focus to a priority – and it’s clear to see why. In November we were proud to sponsor and attend This Can Happen – the largest ever gathering of organisations across the UK to discuss mental health in the workplace – and new statistics came to the fore: mental health now affects not just 1 in 4, but all of us. “What really stood out for me and my organisation, and I’m sure for most others in the room, is how vitally important it is that we encourage those who want or feel able to talk to do so”, wrote our own Denise Priest. “Whether it’s as simple as sitting down for a cup of tea and a chat with a colleague, inviting a friend over for dinner or starting a conversation with a stranger in need about the weather.”
Creating Inclusive Workplaces
As employers we all know the benefits of creating diverse and inclusive workplaces: different perspectives, broad sets of skills, greater candidate pool and a thriving culture to name but a few. But as our very own Deb Ejenas wrote this year, the latest kid on the block to the D&I party is belonging: “Science tells us it’s a human instinct to want to belong, and that we perform better, as individuals and as companies, when we feel connected.” What’s the latest thinking on fostering a sense of belonging? Find out more here.
Eldercare is a Business Problem
This year new data on eldercare made for sombre reading with the number of adults needing round the clock care rising by over a third to 1 million in the next 20 years. “The numbers indicate an enormous challenge and a sizeable toll to be taken on businesses when family members are not just juggling their own family responsibilities with work but now potentially looking after an elderly loved one too”, wrote our own Stephanie Kowalewicz. For organisations around the country, the issue is not an if, but a when, and supportive employers is a must.
Retaining Working Parents
It’s a fact of the modern workplace that parents will go out on parental leave and it’s also a fact that there will always be concerns about whether or not they will return. This year, the big question has been are organisations doing enough to make sure those wishing to return are able to do so? “The answer might be no”, says Denise Priest, “it might be as simple as a policy that it missing; absence of the basics can place organisations at an immediate disadvantage.” So, what can you do to ensure parents return after leave?
Tune in in 2019 as we continue to tackle the challenges and discuss what the future holds for HR strategies! Happy New Year, everyone!