Modern Families Index Finance Sector Cut 2024



The 2024 Modern Families Index surveyed 3,000 randomly selected UK working parents including 207 from the banking and finance sector.

As a whole, the index shows that:

  • Over two fifths (42%) of respondents are now likely to look for new employment in the next twelve months.
  • Childcare is critical for career progression. Over 3 in 4 (78%) would need to carefully consider their childcare options before accepting a promotion or a new job.
  • Employer support is not felt as strongly as last year. There is a drop in working parents feeling their employer is supportive of family life and responsibilities.

This report focuses on specific findings in the Finance sector and reflects on the results against the unique backdrop of demands, pressures, and growth in these sectors. This includes a heightened risk of women looking for new employment and an increased pressure on working parents who are also caring for adult dependants.

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