Super Savvy Saving

We know that finances are an ongoing concern as the rise in cost of living continues to affects us all. Read on to discover some handy tips to help you save money where possible, and hopefully, ease your financial woes.

increasing costs of utilities, such as heating and electric, means less money to spend on the things and the people you love. But according to financial experts, by creating a personal budget, you have the chance to be 3 times better off in the future!

Here are some super savvy tips on learning how to manage your household budget in order to reduce utility bills...

Top Tips for Reducing your Utilities

Standby Offenders

Although it's hard to measure exactly how much energy is wasted by vampire appliances (appliances left on standby), you can save a significant amount of money per year by turning them off at the wall socket when not in use. It may seem like a small effort but changes like this can soon add up.

Energy Eye Opener

According to Energy saving Trust, your household could save up to £13 per bulb, per year by switching 100 watt incandescent bulbs for LEDs, or up to £5 per year swapping halogen bulbs for LED bulbs. With an ‘every penny counts' mindset, this is another simple way to cut costs.

Feeling Hot?

During the cooler months, turning down your thermostat by just 1°C could potentially save you as much as £80 per year according to research conducted by, which certainly isn't a number to scoff at.

Stop the Shop

Spontaneous spending, or shopping outside of your budget can really add up. Even £20 per week in addition to your larger food bill will cost you on average an additional £1000 per year! Try to be mindful of seemingly small, unaccounted for spends.

Managing a Household Budget

The 50/30/20 Rule

The 50/30/20 rule - popularised in Senator Elizabeth Warren's book, All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan – is an easy and useful guide to follow when creating a budget. It works by taking your salary (post tax deductions) and dividing it as follows:50% for essential bills and living costs, 30% for the things you want, and 20% to put away into savings.

Jam Jar Method

Split your spending into physical or digital containers, using pots, jars, or an online tool. This will help you have a much clearer visibility of your budget and help you to stay within your spending limits.

Stop Impulse Online Purchases

Clearing your stored card details from your browser, mobile, or app, is a sure-fire way of putting a stop to online impulse spending. Also, try asking yourself questions like, "Do I really need this?" or “Does this fall in or out of my 50/30/20 budget?”. If the answer is no, don't buy it. Sometimes, this simple tactic is all we need to restrain ourselves from getting too carried away when adding things to our virtual shopping cart.

Have a 'No Spend' Day/Week

Get creative when it comes to keeping your family entertained during ‘no spend' days/weeks and only spend on essential items.

Break it Down

Break your spending down into daily or weekly chunks to help better manage your finances. Try drawing out a certain amount each week and spending within that amount or setting the money aside in your digital money ‘pots'. If you have any left at the end of the week, move it into a savings pot and see how much you can save in a year!

Savings Tips

Treat your Savings Like a Bill

By setting up a standing order to be taken each month, immediately after payday, the money will be moved into your savings account before you've even had the chance to miss it!

Make it Fun

Set challenges, get the family involved. What about trying to save £1 in week 1, £2 in week 2, £3 in week 3, and so forth? Do that for a year and you'd have saved £1378!