Workplace Nurseries

Affordable, high-quality childcare, reassuringly located at or near your workplace.

Consistently, employers tell us their top priority is to engage and retain their people. If you ask working parents what’s most important to them, they’ll say the wellbeing and happiness of their children. There’s one benefit that addresses both simultaneously.

Bright Horizons Work+Family Solutions - Workplace Nurseries

Putting a Workplace Nursery Programme in places allows you to:

Hold on to your best people.

A workplace nursery is a great incentive to return after parental leave - over three-quarters surveyed agreed that employer-sponsored childcare made the return easier.

Remove Stress, increase performance.

Help your people be at their best - over 90% said access to employer-sponsored childcare boosts their wellbeing, ease of working and productivity, and helps them progress their careers.

Be the employer of choice for working parents.

It’s a sticky benefit - 89% of those with access to employer-sponsored childcare said they were more likely to stay with their employer.

Bright Horizons Work+Family Solutions - Workplace Nurseries, How it works

How it works

From first concept to implementation and ongoing management, we’ve got your business covered. Choose Bright Horizons as your strategic partner and we will:

  • Assess nursery demand analysis based on employee demographics.
  • Develop full setting proposals, including costs from start-up to ongoing operational.
  • Deliver full management of the nursery, including regulatory and safety compliance, education and curriculum, staffing and tailored reporting based on your requirements.
  • Provide access to a bespoke Work + Family Space platform, offering a wide range of resources to help working parents and carers.
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