Modern Families Index

Bright Horizons MFI 2024

Modern Families Index 2024

Download the full report to discover the key retention tools employers need for 2024.
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MFI Pharma and Life Sciences sector cut

MFI Sector Cuts 2023:

Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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Modern Family Index 2023 - NHS & Healthcare Sector Cut

Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2023:

NHS & Healthcare Sector

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Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - IT and Tech Sector

Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - IT and Tech Sector


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Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - Professional Services Sector

Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - Professional Services Sector


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Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - Education Sector

Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - Education Sector


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Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - Healthcare Sector

Bright Horizons Modern Families Index 2022 - Healthcare Sector


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Modern Families Index 2018: how employers can support the UK's working families


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